Introducing New Matter

"We are as gods and might as well get good at it.“ - Whole Earth Catalog, Stewart Brand

We stand at the beginning of history. The foundations of modern civilization were laid a mere 6000 years ago, a heartbeat in the geological time scale. The Industrial Revolution began a mere 300 years ago, heralding a period of unprecedented change and growth. We stand at the very cusp of history — our story is just beginning to unfold.

But it’s human nature to assume that our present — the sum total of known history is the ultimate culmination. Our propensity for short-term thinking, sometimes veiled as pragmatism, clouds our ability to envision a future that diverges drastically from the now. We get tricked into seeing our institutions, the societal norms that govern us — our way of life, as immutable.

Yet, as I stand here, I can’t help but feel the pulsating energy of a brave new world burgeoning at the fringes of our reality. A world characterized by space factories, lab-grown meat, carbon capture, and eVTOL drones ferrying humans and cargo across vast distances with unprecedented ease. We are teetering at the edge of an era that promises technological innovation at a scale previously unseen.

Yet, every headline that speaks of the next technological marvel seems to carry with it an undercurrent of skepticism. Tech which was once hailed as mankind’s savior, now often appears as an Orwellian antagonist. And while the cynic in me acknowledges the inherent duality of every tool, the prevailing narrative tinged with a sense of despair and surrender unsettles me.

The challenges we face in this century are formidable. Our century’s story seems to be dominated by the narrative of scarcity — be it affordable housing, skilled labor, or accessible healthcare. This isn’t a mere coincidence but a deliberate outcome of decades of policy decisions, both made and more importantly, not made, that have shaped our present.

Enter New Matter. Through this initiative, I aim to spotlight the audacious, mission-driven founders and investors who are not deterred by the enormity of the challenges that lie ahead; individuals with unyielding convictions to tackle the hardest problems facing our society. As you delve into these interviews, it’s my deepest hope that they ignite in you an urge to steer your career towards tackling meaningful problems that resonate with you.

In a time where the future unfolds before us with an unprecedented fluidity and pace, let us tap into our collective agency and channel it towards constructing a future that echoes our desires.

More soon,
